Opure BV


If wastewater is highly loaded (high carbonconcentrations compared to other elements), deficiency of nutrients and/or trace elements can occur. To optimize the efficiency of the installation, these compounds need to be added.

At large definciencies, the COD removal will strongly decrease. Other symptoms are strong foam-forming, degeneration of granular sludge/activated sludge or even washing out of sludge.

Opure BV offers custom made mixtures of nutrients and/or trace elements at very competitive prices. We also deliver carbonsources if the carbon amount is insufficient. Carbon insuffiency can course problems with nitrate estrangement and the sludge quality can decline. It can also happen that the amount of carbon is fine, but the that the form of the carbon prevents sludge to grow. In these cases we can deliver more appropriate carbonsources.

We are experts at biological purification. If you are a regular customer, you can consult us at any time, without additional costs.

  • Opure BV

    Maxwellstraat 12
    6716 BX Ede
    Tel.: 0318-724824
    Fax: 0318-724825
    Email: info@opure.nl

  • Copyright 2009: Opure BV