Opure BV


Opure BV has its own laboratory. This lab is used for plain chemical analyses. Furthermore Opure BV has developed special analyses and testing methods to analyze for example biological sludges. Following list shows the main analyses we offer:

  • microscopy of activated sludge and granular sludge
  • determination activity anaerobic granular sludge
  • determination residual-COD of wastewater flows
  • determination toxicity wastewater/detergents
  • determination fermentability organic residual flows
  • determination limiting factors for anaerobic attenuation
  • determination growth rate nitrifying bacteria
  • determination defosfatizing capacity
  • determination denitrification potential/suitable C-source for denitrification

Furthermore we can execute continuous tests on lab scale. If desired this can be done on pilot scale at location as well. We posses pilotplants for aerobic and anaerobic purification and a pilotplant for anaerobic digestion of organic waste.

  • Opure BV

    Maxwellstraat 12
    6716 BX Ede
    Tel.: 0318-724824
    Fax: 0318-724825
    Email: info@opure.nl

  • Copyright 2009: Opure BV