Opure BV


Producing industies produce i.a. solid organic residual currents such as access sludge, flotationsludge, fats, sugary residual currents and other solid residues are formed. Next to it heavy loaded slurry’s can occur.

Although in most cases these currents are processed efficiently already,large savings are often  still possible.

Opure BV knows many processers and processpossibilities. Therefore we are very well able to estimate wether it is possible to process your currents at lower prices and equal reliability and quality.

In an optional meeting, Opure BV can find out if savings could be possible in your situation.

Click here for contact; ask for information or a meeting.

  • Opure BV

    Maxwellstraat 12
    6716 BX Ede
    Tel.: 0318-724824
    Fax: 0318-724825
    Email: info@opure.nl

  • Copyright 2009: Opure BV